Tuesday, August 21, 2012


They say that good people go ahead of the not-so-good ones. This is the only reason I can think of why a noble leader in the person of the late DILG Secretary Jesse Robredo met a very early demise.

I never really know anything about him save for the fact that he was appointed by PNoy as the DILG Secretary despite VP Jejomar Binay's intent to take the post. I was never interested in politics, so I did not even read or try to know why he was chosen. Why would I care?

I was never interested in politics. It had always been dirty in my perspective. Power corrupts. Even good people get blinded by everything that power has to offer. If someone wants to make a difference in the country, I would wholeheartedly applaud a simple individual doing his best in whichever field he is in. He doesn't need to have power. He just needs to have a heart. I never really expected anyone who holds a government position would have the Christian conscience and a human heart to lead as a servant of his people, to make the Filipino lives better the best way he can.

Until I heard all the news today, my prejudice against current politicians would not probably change.

Mr. Jesse Robredo lived the ideals of a true leader. As I heard from the people's testimonials about him, he led by example. He exercised his power to give and not to gain. He was on top but he remained humble. He sincerely embraced his obligation to serve the people and make their lives better. He became one with the people so he can be someone for the people. He propelled others to do their best. But he was not detached. He was not only attentive to people's needs, he was also attentive to how they feel. I was truly touched by the testimonial of one market vendor who asked for a scholarship for her child. Mr. Robredo did not only gave her that but also texted her about it, personally. How many politicians would do that? Normal politicians would have asses that needs to be kissed all the time. (Sorry, I know that I am prejudiced.) They need to be served and be made to feel special. Heck, they are being paid by hard-earned taxpayer's money. But this one was different. A leader who would collect the garbage of his constituents once a week and a leader who was never in need of tarpaulins to broadcast his projects or his presence is one leader that is worthy of my applause and standing ovation. He was worthy of that seat given to him. He was worthy of the Ramon Magsaysay Award given to him. He was worthy of the love and respect of his constituents and of every Filipino who hears of the servant leader that he was.

Perhaps, there are other leaders like him. They are just far outnumbered by people who only lead their way to gain wealth and power at the expense of the people they should have been serving. I hope the latter gets into extinction and the former thrives and multiplies. One of my professors used to say that a  bloody revolution is needed to annihilate the corrupt leaders. But that would be another blog.

I grieve today, as a Filipino who sincerely desires to see her countrymen living in dignity and prosperity. I grieve for the death of one statesman who died fighting for democracy during that time that it was blatantly stolen. And I grieve for one leader who died doing his best in living the democracy that had been fought by brave men in the past.

The reason why good people go ahead of others is not just a whim of God. Perhaps, it is so because their lives lived in humility need to be exposed so that the not-so-good people that remain would be reminded and be inspired.

May the deaths of Ninoy Aquino and Jesse Robredo be not become futile. May their lives inspire us to unleash the nobility in each one of us for the good of our nation and its people. Perhaps, only then can they truly rest in peace.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

YES or NO?


As a Catholic, I believe in the preservation of life, the sanctity of marriage, the beauty of sex as a gift of love and procreation (over mere pleasure), the freedom to choose, proper governance and rightful provision of the government to make the lives of its populace as humane as it can be. After reading the complete text of the RH Bill, nothing seem so wrong about it. They uphold everything that I believe in (except for the sacred and gift nature of sex), but the question is, is the conscience behind the RH Bill as beautiful as how its words are?

I pray that God will side His people. Let His truth prevail and His will be done! :)